Monday, October 12, 2009

Find a Hungry Niche Market - 4 - Internet Marketing Strategy

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to find out how to find the hungry markets and we can’t talk about all of them in one eBook. That being said, we can look at a few of the easiest ways to find them. Let’s look at a few of them…Local Bookstore – No, they ARE NOT inside your local bookstore waiting for you to come by and take their money BUT that is a great place to find out about all the hot topics.Next time you are in a bookstore, go to the bestseller section and see what the top non-fiction books are about. There is a reason they became bestsellers and that is because people are interested in that subject. The subjects of those bestselling books are great candidates for your next project.One thing to keep in mind is that some bestselling subjects are very time-sensitive in that they are about current events. Those types of niches may be hot today but just lukewarm in a few months. If that is the case, you need to get your product out as soon as possible to hit those markets during their “peak” periods.Another place to check is the bestselling fiction titles. How do you find a niche in fiction books? It shows you what subjects are hot subjects. Let’s say that the number one bestseller is a romance novel. That tells me a lot of people are interested in romance. That would be a good place to start looking for an idea for a niche. As this is being written, the latest Harry Potter book is already a HUGE seller and it hasn’t even been released yet. Does that say that a lot of people are interested in magic? Maybe! I think I would start looking up keywords related to “magic” and see if there is something there.While you’re in the bookstore, make sure you check out the topics in all the popular magazines. If a well-known magazine has written a feature-story on a subject, it is probably a hot topic. These periodicals are in the business of knowing what their readers want to know. Be careful here because these tend to be some of those current events types of subjects we were talking about earlier.eBay – If you want to know what people are buying right now, just go to This will give you a great view of what items are hot right now. I’m not going to give you specific links to those sections on eBay because links tend to change quite often BUT you can use the “search” function on eBay to find them. Go to the “search” bar and type in words like “eBay Pulse,” “eBay Pop” and “hot items by category.” These sections on eBay will give you up-to-the-minute information on what are current hot sellers.If Star Wars items are selling like hot cakes on eBay, I would definitely start researching keywords related to Star Wars. The key is to find the subject matter people are looking for and then do some good research to drill down to profitable niches.Search Engines – Search engines are a great tool! If you know what people are looking for online, the obvious “next step” is to provide it for them. I have listed some of the more popular search engine links to popular searches below. To find more, all you have to do is type “top searches” into your favorite search engine and you will get a large list of websites that will show you possible nichesGoogle ZeitgeistYahoo Buzz IndexTechnorati Popular SearchesAOL Hot Searches Ask IQ Dogpile SearchSpyMetaCrawler MetaSpy Google Trends Lycos 50 MSN Search Insider dWoz Search Phrase Lists Yahoo Keyword Selector ToolGoogle AdWords Keyword Tool HOT TIP – Here is a little-used way to use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool to help you find some good niche ideas...1. Click on the Google Adwords Keyword Tool listed above and it will take you to the main page. In the Keyword Tool box, you have two choices, “Keyword Variations” and “Site-Related Keywords.” 2. Click on the “Site-Related Keywords” tab and, in the search box with the http:// add the Google URL so that it looks like this… Make sure the “Include other pages on my site linked from this URL” box is checked.4. In the “Choose data to display:” box, select the choice that says “Cost And Ad Position Estimates”5. In the next box that says “Calculate Estimates using Max CPC:” choose your currency.6. In the next box, put in a maximum “cost per click” such as 20 for $20.007. Go back to the top of the tab, click on “Get Keywords” and wait for it to do its calculations.8. Once it has finished its calculations and gives you the lists, click on the column “Estimated Avg. CPC” to sort it by the highest cost per click.Now you have a list of keywords that is sorted from the highest cost per click to the lowest cost per click. The words that cost the most “per click” are the niches where people are willing to spend the most money on advertising. If they are spending a lot of money on advertising, it is most likely a niche where there is money to be made. Again, do your research to drill down to find the more profitable niches.WordTracker is a great tool to help you find niches. While the cost of using the full version of WordTracker can get expensive, this little tool is free and it is very useful. It will give you the estimated daily searches for any keyword or keyword phrase.HOT TIP – When you are searching for hot niches on WordTracker, use “help me” words to find what people want. These are words like…How to, help with, buy, purchase, learn to, find, get a, how can, etc. Type those words into the WordTracker Keyword tool and you may find a great niche where people need help.Forums – Forums are a great place to find hot niche topics and there are thousands of forums on the internet. One way to discover hot topics from forums is by the number of members. In the Google Groups list of forums, you can list them by the size of the groups. Obviously, the larger the group, the better the niche.How do you find these forums? Here are a few places to start…Google GroupsYahoo Message BoardsDigital Point ForumsOther Places To Find Possible NichesClickBank Marketplace – What is ClickBank? I’ll just let them tell you for themselves…“ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or promote digital products, ClickBank is for you.”Since ClickBank is the “Internet’s largest digital marketplace,” it is a great place to see what people are buying. The ClickBank Marketplace will let you do a search by different criteria that help you to find possible Preorders – is a great place to find out what products are popular but Preorders tells you which products people want that haven’t been released yet. Here it lists the most popular preorders. Knowing what is going to be popular is powerful knowledge in the hands of someone who is willing to develop a product quickly.
posted by kings.

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